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She needs ur help! Требуется помощь!

СообщениеДобавлено: Вс июл 22, 2012 11:11 am
:!: Physical & mental abuse of severe ill old woman, Lyubov A.Kaliner

Lyubov Alexandrovna Kaliner, City Berdichev, Korostoyanovoy 4, Apt.10, who is college graduate, who's sere abused by her neighbors. Her pension is taken away, she is hungry, unable to walk. Her flat is empty: no water, no gas, no light. Everything is gone. Her toilet is plugged up. To try to defend herself by spreading poop on a windows (always broken) and doors. She has appointed inspector - Galina Nikolaevna Markovskaya (tel. 2-71-10), who doesn't do nothing. Lyubov A. Kaliner needs to be placed to a proper institution for people with schizophreniya. She doesn't have passport, got stolen, she lives in her own flat by herself. I, Nadia Selinsky, her sister, 65-years old, disable, live in USA with my daughter, single mother of 2-kids. Her brother, Grigory A. Kaliner, 60 years old, retire due to heart condition, lives in Russia. He also cannot afford to help. Please, help to place her in the proper institution. No human being can live worst then a dog.

Nadia Selinsky
ndslnsk7@gmail.com or call: +1-720-524-4648

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